I know that I have not posted in a while but it is not that I have abandoned my site. I just want to be certain that whatever gets written here comes from God and not me. I need to be in a place where I depend on God to speak to me and through me. God has been blessing me and opening doors in areas of my life and I have been very busy. But I feel like I need to stop and make sure that I still put Him first before everything else and I have not done that in a few weeks. And Lord I am truly sorry for that. It is not to say that I have forgotten who got me where I am today but that I have let myself get slightly caught up in my work. I thank God everyday for the blessings but that is not enough. I MUST seek Him before anything else in my life. And I can not help His people if I am not doing that. For this I apologize to God and you all. Lord please cleanse me, wash me and make me whole. Give me a renewed mind and spirit in Jesus name.
God has been dealing with me about this blog and the direction I am to go. So i must be obedient to Him and His word and move by His Spirit. I look forward to what He has in store and I just ask that you bare with me as I make the changes. There will still be bible lessons but also some other things added such as testimonies. So if you have one that you would like to share please by all means get in contact with me so that I can help you tell your story about the goodness of God that others may be brought into the knowledge of Christ. I have a testimony and I will be sharing it soon.
May God bless and keep you in the hour.
God has been dealing with me about this blog and the direction I am to go. So i must be obedient to Him and His word and move by His Spirit. I look forward to what He has in store and I just ask that you bare with me as I make the changes. There will still be bible lessons but also some other things added such as testimonies. So if you have one that you would like to share please by all means get in contact with me so that I can help you tell your story about the goodness of God that others may be brought into the knowledge of Christ. I have a testimony and I will be sharing it soon.
May God bless and keep you in the hour.
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I appreciate you for posting such a wonderful Blog. Our youth bible study lessons includes foundational topics such as Salvation, Baptism, Communion, Righteousness/Sanctification and many more.